Posted By ATSI,
Monday, March 20, 2023
Whether You Won the Award or Not, There’s Still More to Do
The ATSI Convention is over; the Award of Excellence Winners, announced. Hopefully you returned to the office to celebrate. Or maybe you returned dejected. Regardless of the outcome and your attitude toward it, there’s still more to do. It’s the most important part of the whole program.
The call recordings and judges’ scores are gold. This is the most valuable, comprehensive, and unbiased feedback you’ll get for your answering service’s quality. Don’t dismiss it. Instead mine the ore to find the gold. Here’s how:
Look at Average Scores
Start with the judges scores. Look at the average score for each category. Items with high averages provide a reason to celebrate. You excel in those areas. Make sure you maintain that strength.
Items with low averages suggest areas needing improvement. Pick the lowest area and develop a plan to turn that weakness into a strength. Once completed, repeat the process with the next lowest item. Continue until you’ve addressed them all. As you do this, don’t be discouraged. Every answering service has areas needing improvement.
When you seek to uphold your strengths and correct your weaknesses, you position yourself for a better result next year.
Evaluate Consistency
Looking at statistical averages is a great place to start, but there’s more. Evaluate the consistency of each category. (If you’re into math, this is called standard deviation.) Your clients will subconsciously judge you based on consistency. When you’re consistent they know what to expect, and you meet their expectations every time. However, if you’re inconsistent they have no idea what to expect, and you’ll fall short. Tomorrow’s poor call will negate today’s great one. That’s why consistency is so important.
For example, assume you have an average score of three for a category. If all your scores in that category are three, that means you’re highly consistent. However, if half your scores are fives and the other half are ones, your average is still three, but you’re highly inconsistent. This is bad. Being inconsistent will drive clients away and make extra work for your customer service staff.
Just as with averages, look for categories where you’re inconsistent. Pick the least consistent one, and develop a plan to become consistent. Then repeat the process for the second least consistent category.
Listen to the Recordings
Next, all management and support staff should listen to all recordings. The goal isn’t to critique the judges’ scores or form opinions about individual operators. The intent is to look for trends. If you repeatedly hear a good characteristic, celebrate it. Then make sure it’s reinforced through training and coaching.
Conversely, if you see a less-than-ideal trait repeat itself, look for ways to correct it. Start with coaching for existing operators. Then integrate the correction into training for new employees.
Have a Staff Meeting
Schedule an operator meeting to discuss the results. Celebrate categories where your averages and consistencies are high. Then share areas needing improvement and the steps you’re taking to fix them.
Last, play the recordings of all the good calls, the calls that met or exceeded expectations. Don’t play the other calls that pulled your score down. That will irreparably harm those operators. Seek to help them improve, not hurt them.
Provide Individual Operator Feedback
For each employee who took an Award of Excellence call, meet with them privately to go over their call. Play the recording, and share the judges’ scores. This isn’t a time for the operator to justify themselves or dispute the results. This is a time to celebrate successes and provide encouragement for one key area for the operator to work on. Make this a positive time, and your operators will respond well.
When you get home from the ATSI convention, don’t cast aside your Award of Excellence recordings and scores. They contain valuable information but only if you take time to follow these steps to get the most out of them.
- Look at average scores
- Evaluate consistency
- Listen to recordings
- Have a staff meeting
- Provide individual operator feedback
If you do this, you’re sure to have better results in next year’s Award of Excellence program. Even more importantly, the quality of your service will increase, and cancellations will decrease. But this will only happen if you take time to analyze the results and act upon them.
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Posted By ATSI,
Monday, March 20, 2023
You and your answering service have been in summer mode for a few months now. Exactly what that means depends on your management style, operation, and geographic location. Regardless of what summer mode looks like for you, there’s a different vibe in your answering service during the summer months than the rest of the year.
Though technically summer lasts for another month, effectively it ends soon, marked by Labor Day in the United States. Plan now to make the next season a good one.
Adjust Staffing Levels
Most answering services staff differently in the summer than they do in the spring and fall. Usually summer requires a higher level of staffing to make up for clients who are on vacation. This means you’ll need to scale back your schedule in a few weeks.
Cutting back on your schedule too soon or too much will result in being understaffed and not serving your clients to the best of your ability. This hurts your service level. However, not scaling back soon enough will result in being overstaffed and a bloated payroll. This hurts your bottom line. You want to avoid both scenarios.
If you’re not sure how soon to adjust and how much to adjust, look at last year’s numbers to get started.
Say Goodbye to Vacation Mode
Just as clients tend to take vacations in the summer, so does your management team and answering service staff. It seems like someone’s always on vacation, getting ready for vacation, or just coming back. This creates a vacation atmosphere in your office, and though the needed work gets done, extra work faces delays despite your best efforts to avoid holdups.
Once your office gets past a vacation mindset, attention to special projects and important initiatives can resume. Strive to make this mental switch as quickly as possible to capitalize on the opportunities before you.
Establish Key Goals
Because of summer mode and a vacation atmosphere, many leaders scale back on summertime goals and others don’t even pursue them. Whether this is acceptable or not, it usually occurs. But don’t let this mindset languish. Establish key goals for the fall now. Then embrace them with renewed energy right away. Don’t wait until September to consider setting fall goals. Do it now.
Seek A Big Win
Just because you’re in summer mode doesn’t mean you can coast for another couple of weeks. What big project or important initiative can you accomplish now, before summer’s over? Seek a big win to end summer and ride that momentum into the fall. It will make a huge difference.
Most people like summer, and though they continue to work, their work is usually a bit different. It’s not so deliberate or quite as intense. Plan now to slip out of summer mode and re-claim a more intentional focus for the fall. This will set you up well for the upcoming fall season and help move you successfully into the new year.
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Posted By ATSI,
Monday, March 20, 2023
If you take part in the ATSI Award of Excellence each year, here’s a reminder of just how valuable it is. And if you haven’t yet taken advantage of this amazing tool or tried it before and dismissed it, here are six reasons why you should dive in this year.
1. Obtain a Third-Party Assessment
Everyone in the answering service industry talks about quality. Maybe you think your answering service provides high quality. Perhaps you aren’t there yet but are striving to get there. Or it could be you doubt that you provide quality service, even though you claim otherwise. But who knows for sure?
Self-evaluation can only take us so far, and too often we only see what we want to see. That’s why an independent, third-party quality evaluation is so critical. When the ATSI Award of Excellence program confirms the high quality of your work, that means something—to you, your employees, and especially your clients.
2. Discover Areas Needing Improvement
The statistical results of the ATSI Award of Excellence program will identify areas where your answering service can do better. This happens with every answering service that participates in the program. No one is perfect. Knowing where you fall short in providing quality service, will allow you to address and improve these areas. But without being part of the program, you’ll never know what you need to work on.
3. Realize Areas of Excellence
Conversely, the ATSI Award of Excellence program will confirm many skills your answering service excels at. It’s good to know these things, as well. By identifying your areas of excellence, you can affirm them with your staff and your trainers. Then you can take steps to make sure you maintain, and even build upon, these areas of excellence.
4. Rally Around a Common Goal
Taking part in the program provides a shared objective your whole staff can unite under. Having a main goal of improving quality through the Award of Excellence program can become the focal point that drives your efforts. When your staff pulls together around a common purpose, it draws them closer to each other and unifies them in better serving clients.
5. Set Your Answering Service Apart
Though not every answering service that takes part in the ATSI Award of Excellence program will achieve a high enough quality score to qualify for recognition, when yours does, it sets you apart in the industry. Some answering services try and fall short—and that’s okay—but too many of them don’t even dare to try. They know they don’t measure up and their quality is subpar, even though they claim something quite different.
6. Have a Reason to Celebrate
Last is having a party. Most answering services love to throw a party and look for any excuse to do so. But winning the ATSI Award of Excellence is one of the best reasons to celebrate. You’ve always said you provide high quality service, and now you can prove it. This is worthy of a party. Don’t miss this opportunity to remind your staff how good your answering service is and to thank them for their critical role in making it happen.
With all these reasons to take part in the ATSI Award of Excellence program, it’s shortsighted not to sign up and foolhardy not to try to receive recognition. Registration is now open. Enroll now to be included in this industry-leading program. Your participation could change everything.
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Posted By ATSI,
Monday, March 20, 2023
In our earlier post about evaluating your ATSI Award of Excellence results, we talked about the importance of consistency. Although the average of your total scores and the averages of each component of the calls is important, be sure to balance this with consistency.
Why Consistency Matters
Here’s what we said about consistency, “Your clients will subconsciously judge you based on consistency. When you’re consistent they know what to expect, and you meet their expectations every time.
“However, if you’re inconsistent, they have no idea what to expect, and you’ll fall short. Tomorrow’s poor call will negate today’s great one.”
An Example of Inconsistency
Let’s look at how fast your staff answers calls. We’ll consider this category because it’s easy to quantify and therefore easy to see why consistency is critical.
Let’s assume your goal is to answer all calls by the third ring. That’s a good and admirable goal. (Though your actual target maybe a bit faster or not quite as fast, we’re using this, not as a standard to shoot for but, as an example for our illustration.)
Next, let’s assume you achieve your goal. Congratulations! Your average speed to answer is three rings, exactly what your staff strives for and precisely what you promised your clients.
But before we get too excited, let’s look at the consistency element. (If you’re into math, this is called standard deviation. And if you’re not into math, forget we mentioned it.) Again, for the sake of illustration, let’s assume you answered five calls on the first ring and five calls on the fifth. This averages out to three rings, exactly aligned with your goal.
However, your clients’ callers will never experience you answering on the third ring. Half of the time you’ll answer really fast, which will delight them. The other half of the time you’ll take way too long, which will really frustrate them. They won’t know what to expect when they call. Will you answer quickly or slowly? What they will remember, however, is each time you took five rings to answer.
This becomes their perception of your work. Never mind that your average is three rings, which you far exceed half the time by answering in one. All they remember is five rings. And when that happens too often, they’re likely to cancel service because they don’t perceive you as answering quickly enough.
An Example of Consistency
Let’s make up another example. This answering service has a goal to answer every call within four rings. This isn’t as lofty as the first answering service, but their clients may perceive their quality as being better. Here’s why.
Let’s assume they hit their four-rings-per-call goal precisely. But, in addition, when looking at each individual call, let’s say they answered everyone on four rings. Whenever a client or their customers call, this service answers their call on the fourth ring, not sooner and not later. Four rings. Every time.
In this way, everyone expects a four-ring answer. And the answering service meets this expectation every single time. No one’s ever disappointed by a call ringing longer. Because of this consistency, clients perceive the quality to be higher than they would for the first answering service, even though the first service has a better average speed to answer.
The Next Step
Look again at the individual scores on each element of your calls from the ATSI Award of Excellence program. Look for categories where the rating deviates. This signals inconsistency. The higher the variation—such as half ones and half fives—signal highly inconsistent service. This hurts your clients’ perception of your quality. This is what you need to address to improve your quality in their minds.
When you do this, don’t simply look at improving your average. Instead strive to make your scores more consistent. In our example of ring counts, don’t work to move your average from three rings to 2.5. Instead look to eliminate all the five-ring-count calls. When you do this your average speed answer will decrease, but more importantly your consistency will increase.
Apply this example to whatever category has the most inconsistency on your ATSI Award of Excellence scoresheet. Then, once you’ve made that element more consistent, turn your attention to the next most inconsistent category.
Doing this will improve the quality of your service from the perspective of your clients and their callers. It will increase client satisfaction and decrease cancellations.
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Posted By ATSI,
Monday, March 20, 2023
As the year winds down, our focus and drive often do too. There are seasonal activities and parties to distract us. And two major holidays, Christmas and New Year’s Day, interrupt our work routine. All this combines to tempt us to slow down and relax. Then we can hit next year full on and fresh.
Yet how we finish one year establishes the foundation for the next. Be diligent to finish this year strong. Then you’ll be ready to make the most of next year. Here are some tips to wrap up this year wisely.
Optimize Staffing
Look at your staffing situation. If you need to make changes, don’t delay. Make them now. Hire new staff and promote qualified employees. What a great Christmas gift to give them.
This optimization, however, also includes letting people go. Yes, December is a bad time to end someone’s employment, but is there ever a good time? If you wait until January second, they’ll complain just as loudly and think just as poorly of you. But if it’s time to say goodbye to an employee, don’t be heartless, either. Do whatever you can to soften the blow. Do it now so it’s not hanging over your head for the next month.
Complete Pending Projects
You certainly have some projects nearing completion but that aren’t done. You have a decision to make. You can put them on hold until next year and complete them then or you can double down and take care of them now. Finishing them now opens January for new projects. Isn’t that the right way to start a new year?
Fix One More Problem
Every answering service has a pain point or two. Some process isn’t working, or some department struggles. Maybe a piece of technology isn’t working correctly. Don’t carry this over to a new year. Pick this one problem and strive to resolve it now. Just imagine how much nicer work will be once this concern is no longer an issue.
Seek to Minimize Tax Liabilities
Now is the time to take a preliminary look at what your tax situation might be. What can you do in December to lessen the taxes you pay next year? Maybe you need to move some planned expenditures for next year into this, or perhaps you should delay some spending until January. Check with your accountant now to see what you can do this year to make next year financially better.
Set Goals for Next Year
Some people are big into goal setting and others not so much. Wherever you fit on the goal-setting spectrum, plan for next year. What major initiatives do you want to accomplish? How do you want to make your answering service better? How much do you want to grow? Reduce expenses? Increase profitability?
These are all areas that suggest major goals for you to have for next year. And if goalsetting isn’t your thing, figure out a way to let these major initiatives guide what you do for the next twelve months. Then a year from now, you can look at all you’ve accomplished.
Does this list overwhelm you? Don’t let it.
Pick what you can reasonably do and then do it, while still taking time to enjoy the season with family, friends, and staff. The key is to not cease all nonessential work in December and coast your way into the new year. All this accomplishes is pushing more work into January and delaying your start at embracing the opportunities a new year brings.
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Posted By ATSI,
Monday, March 20, 2023
Spring is that time of year we usually associate with doing a thorough cleaning of our house, called spring cleaning. Whether we actually get around to doing it, of course, is another story. Let’s move the concept of spring cleaning from our home to our business. Here are some spring-cleaning projects we might want to consider for our answering service.
Get Rid of What We Don’t Need
Most businesses, including answering services, have items they don’t need and will never use. Get rid of them. Sell, recycle, or donate. Don’t overlook things that are broken or obsolete. Ditch them too. The point is to get rid of clutter. This will have a freeing, empowering impact.
Reorganize What We Keep
With a little extra space to work with by getting rid of things we don’t need, we now have the capacity to reorganize what we have left. This includes our equipment room, storage areas, and files—both the paper kind and the electronic kind. And as we go through our reorganization, we’ll probably stumble on more things we don’t need. We can get rid of them too. Bonus!
Make Room for More
We’ve cleaned up and reorganized, what do we do with the extra space? Make room for more. Not more stuff, but more revenue-generating, efficiency-enhancing resources. Perhaps the net result of this effort is opening up an office or at least providing space for an employee who needs a better place to work. Or maybe this effort will produce a work area for that new employee you want to hire but don’t know where to put.
Update What’s Outdated
There seems to be a never-ending supply of things that are outdated. Update them so they can actually be useful. The areas to consider are numerous. Look at paperwork and forms. Most answering services thrive on these, but outdated paperwork will hamper productivity.
What about policies and procedures? These things evolve over time and existing staff tends to adjust with them, but what about a new employee or person new to a position? These outdated resources will cause them to take the wrong action or make ill-informed decisions.
Next look at sales and marketing collateral. Does it promote services you no longer offer? Does it not include new services that you do offer? Make sure pricing and feature information is current.
And don’t forget your website. Does it look old and tired? Many answering service websites do. Does it still meet your needs or is it a bit clunky to use? Perhaps a few strategic tweaks will fix it, or maybe it needs a complete overhaul.
Make Staffing Changes
When it comes to spring cleaning, the most challenging consideration is often staffing. Most answering services have at least one less-than-ideal staffing situation. It might be someone who’s in the wrong position, a once-valued employee who is now dragging down the company, or a person who never should have been hired in the first place.
It’s easy to put off making needed staffing changes until next week. We hope things will get better. We want to believe the situation will fix itself. It seldom does. Take a deep breath and resolve to make the staffing changes necessary for your answering service to thrive. It might result in short-term pain, but when done right it will produce long-term gain.
Next Step
In reviewing this list, there’s a lot to do. But don’t let the number of options paralyze you into taking no action. Instead pick the one spring cleaning project that will accomplish the most and do it. When it’s done pick the next significant one and do it too. Keep going until you’ve checked off every item on your list, even if it takes all year.
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Posted By ATSI,
Monday, March 20, 2023
Last month we talked about the importance of finishing the year strong to best prepare for the new year. Hopefully you followed some of the recommended steps and did indeed finish last year strong. Now you’re prepared to make the best of this year for your telephone answering service.
However, this won’t automatically happen on its own. To find success this year, you must plan for it. Here are some things to plan for if you expect good outcomes to happen with any amount of success.
Plan for Growth
Have you ever heard of an answering service wanting to get smaller? No. Instead answering services want to grow. With growth comes greater economy of scale, more opportunities, and increased revenue. Greater revenue is a prerequisite for realizing greater profits. So, plan now to grow your answering service this year.
You might want to grow through making a strategic acquisition. Or you might opt to grow through sales and marketing. Both approaches are viable, yet neither is bound to happen accidentally. Start the year by planning the steps you’ll take to grow your answering service this year.
Plan for Staffing Needs
In the answering service business, it seems there’s always people the hire. Usually this is for your front-line operations staff, but there are also other positions in your company you need to fill. Sometimes you can promote people from within, and other times you need to go out and find the right person.
Look at where you are today with your staffing levels, and look at where you want to be at the end of the year. Don’t forget to factor in staffing to meet your planned growth from the previous step. Now plan on how you will get there.
Plan for Technology Needs
Technology changes fast in the answering service industry. Yesterday’s leading-edge technology is today’s must-have solution. If you’re hoping to get by this year using the same technology you had last year, you risk the rest of the industry passing you by. If your competition has more technology available to them to serve their accounts, it will be hard for you to win new business from them.
However, if you’re the first to implement new technology, this gives you a competitive advantage and the ability to grow your answering service. This ties in with the first item, planning for growth.
Plan for Profitability
We’re in business to make a profit, right? Again, if we don’t plan for profitability, there’s a slim chance of it happening on its own. Although some people may opt to grow their answering service merely to hit some target number, most do it to increase revenue and therefore drive greater profits.
Maybe you’ve already planned for this year, but perhaps you only have some partially developed ideas in your head. Now is the time to finalize those thoughts and write them down. Share those plans with your key staff. Make sure they’re aware of what you hope to accomplish this year. This way they’ll be more likely to help you implement your plans and achieve your goals.
If you’re all playing from the same playbook, you’re much more likely to chalk up a win for this year. But it all starts with having a plan.
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Posted By ATSI,
Monday, March 20, 2023
Hopefully you had the opportunity to attend this year’s ATSI conference.
At the ATSI convention, we attended sessions, networked, and met with vendors. Brimming with ideas and inspiration, we left feeling energized, reinvigorated, and ready to make our answering service even better. Then we arrived at our office and had a hundred things confront us, urgent things that distracted us from doing what we wanted to do.
But don’t let that dissuade you from what’s important. Before you file and forget everything you learned, be intentional and take time to pursue a strategic approach to make things happen.
Here’s a four-step process to help you turn good intentions into valuable results.
Review Your Notes and the Information You Collected
Block out time to look at your notes and the business cards and literature you picked up at the convention. Divide them into two categories: things that will make a difference for your answering service and things you’ll never get around to. Set aside those things you’ll never get around to and focus on the rest.
Prioritize Activities
Look at the items that will make a difference in your answering service and are realistic to do. Prioritize them.
Ask, what is my answering service’s biggest need? This could be generating more revenue, decreasing expenses, or improving processes. Other things may relate to staffing, billing, or technical initiatives. Now with this greatest need in mind, which item—or items—on your list will best address it?
Now identify the second greatest need your answering service faces. What item—or items—will best correct that need? Continue in this way until you identified your top needs and assigned activities to help you fix them.
And for those activities that don’t align with your answering service’s top needs, set them aside. No matter how good those ideas are, they’re not going to address your big picture issues.
Make an Action Plan
Next, develop in action plan to address each one of these top needs your answering service faces, using the ideas that the convention spawned. Resist the urge to tackle all your top needs at once. Spread them out so you can focus on one thing at a time. Only when the first item is under way and moving towards completion should you consider the second initiative.
Get Staff Involved
Just because you attended the conference and have all these great ideas for improvement, doesn’t mean you need to do them alone. Get your staff involved, but resist the urge to dump the whole project on them. Instead, work with them, delegating some items and taking the lead on others. If you don’t take part in making things happen, little will happen.
Attending a telephone answering service industry conference or convention is a great way to connect with people and spawn ideas. But what you do with these ideas when you get home is what matters most. Follow this four-step process to turn your ideas into results:
- Review your notes and information.
- Prioritize activities.
- Make an action plan.
- Get staff involved.
If you do this, you’ll return to next year’s convention with a more profitable and better-run answering service to your credit. Then you can come up with new initiatives to make it even better.
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Posted By ATSI,
Monday, March 20, 2023
As individuals and businesses, we purchase insurance policies to protect us from loss. Personally, we insure our home and cars, our life and our health, along with other things. For our answering service, we insure our building and its contents, to start with. Then we add a general liability policy. But for a telephone answering service, especially in this litigious society, a general liability policy isn’t enough. We also need an errors and omissions insurance policy, E&O for short.
What is E&O Insurance?
As the name implies, E&O insurance provides a degree of financial protection from mistakes that happen when we serve our clients. Most notably this includes errors that our staff may make. That’s the E part of E&O. The O stands for omissions, which provides a degree of financial protection for acts of omission, that is, failing to do what we should have done.
Some people divide this into “errors of commission” and “errors of omission.” That is, doing the wrong thing, as well as not doing the right thing. Both types of errors can cause problems for our clients and may entice them to sue us—or threaten to sue us—for an error or omission.
People Make Mistakes
Answering services are staffed by people, and people are human. They make mistakes. True, our staff does the right thing on most every call, but it’s not the 99 percent that we do correctly that earns our clients’ respect. It’s that 1 percent where we might fall short that garners their ire.
Of course, we can minimize this with good training and mitigate it with good customer service. But even good training and good customer service can’t eliminate the reality that errors do occur. It’s part of being in the answering service industry.
Don’t Risk Not Having Coverage
Some answering service owners have decided to go bare and skip the E&O insurance policy. They’ve made a business, or a financial, decision to forgo coverage; they hope an angry client who wants reimbursement or revenge will never sue them. Or if someone does sue them, they hope it’s something they can deal with.
Making this decision to not buy E&O insurance coverage may save them a little bit of money each year, but it also puts their entire business at risk, along with their future financial well-being and that of all their employees. One small E&O incident could capsize an answering service, and one large one would sink it. From this there is no recovery.
Include HIPAA Coverage
Though the items included in an E&O policy vary, common elements include defense costs, errors made by temporary workers and subcontractors, and personal injury, such as libel or slander. Policies can also cover both actual and alleged negligence, as well as address both claims and associated damages. (Not covered are things such as HR issues, fraud, injury, and property damage; these require a different type of policy.)
As an answering service, it’s also important to make sure the E&O policy includes protection from HIPAA violations. HIPAA regulations are a growing concern for answering services that handle healthcare clients, but even those who don’t take on medical accounts, may still dip into an area covered by HIPAA. Fines for HIPAA violations are expensive, ranging from $100 to $50,000 per violation (or breached record) with a maximum penalty of $1.5 million per year.
Few answering services could survive that type of financial hit on their own. Make sure your E&O insurance policy includes a HIPAA provision.
Not having E&O insurance may save some money for the short-term, but it opens uninsured answering services to a huge liability that could cripple their operation. Even one small E&O claim could more than pay for itself, while one large incident will mean the difference between shutting down and staying in business.
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Posted By ATSI,
Monday, March 20, 2023
Most everyone talks about quality service, but too often they can’t back it up
Telephone answering services typically compete in one of two ways. One is by the quality of their service and the other is by price. Let’s set aside competing on price, because there will always be an answering service out there willing to charge less. Besides, competing on price is a race to the bottom, which no one can win for the long-term.
Quality is Key
Instead let’s focus on competing on quality. When it comes to providing quality service, there are no limits as to how far an answering service can go. When you compete on quality it’s a race to the top, the exact opposite of competing on price.
However, quality is subjective. Most answering services claim to offer quality communication, but most of the time such assertions come without proof. So, the question becomes, how can an answering service prove to prospects they provide quality service?
The best way to do this is to present verification from an independent third-party. The ATSI Award of Excellence and the ATSI Call Center Award of Distinction programs are two ways an answering service or call center can provide verified, third-party validation that they do indeed offer quality service to their clients. Here’s how it works.
The Evaluation Process
The concept of testing and evaluating answering service quality is simple. However, just because the procedure is simple, doesn’t mean it’s easy. This process is time-consuming and labor-intensive, but the results are worth it.
Place Test Calls: The first step of the quality evaluation process is to place test calls. This requires a trained communicator who knows how to effectively pose as a prospective caller to contact an answering service’s clients. They pose as a mystery shopper over the telephone.
The first goal when placing evaluation calls is to be prepared and not let the person at the answering service who answers the phone know it’s a test. The second requirement is to know how to act to elicit the responses that are required to do a thorough evaluation. The third item is to avoid making the transaction too simple or unreasonably complex. Skill in placing test calls is essential to producing effective results.
Record Test Calls: In addition to meeting all the above objectives, the mystery shopper will also record the phone call. This is critical because the initial shopper is not the one who will evaluate the call. Someone else will. In fact, two other people will, maybe three.
The recordings are accumulated and saved for the next phase of the quality evaluation process. This step has the added benefit of creating a permanent record of the transaction for additional verification and subsequent follow-up by the answering service. This allows them to make additional quality improvements.
Score the Calls: The third step is to rate the calls. Again, this requires extensive training to ensure calls are consistently evaluated from one call to the next, and by one evaluator to the next. It takes practice and requires time to converge on this level of consistency, but it’s essential for the success of the program.
Two people will separately listen to and evaluate each recorded call against a 20-point quality checklist. These address the key issues that relate to answering service quality.
Compile the Results:Yet another person will take the quality valuations and compile a summary for each answering service being tested. The result is a numeric score that quantifiably indicates quality.
The Outcome
Some answering services, while good, may fall short of the quality threshold established by the testing agency. However, these answering services will still benefit, for they will now know the areas they fall short in. Then they can work to improve their quality and do better in next year’s evaluation. These answering services are to be commended for striving to improve the quality of their work.
Answering services that surpass the quality expectations of the testing agency are highly commended. They win official confirmation of providing quality service. They earn the ATSI Award of Excellence or the ATSI Call Center Award of Distinction.
Telephone answering services that earn the ATSI Award of Excellence, as well as call centers that achieve the ATSI Call Center Award of Distinction, are now armed with a valuable credential, the most valuable in the industry. They can verify to their prospects that they provide quality service. They can prove that they are among the best of the best.
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