2023-2024 Committees
To promote ATSI to the industry and potential members, enhancing the member value proposition.
Chair: Aundrea Mitchell and Rob Bennett
Members: Dennis O'Hara, Rob Ward, Todd Cardin, Shaun Grubert, Tandy Hicks, Lucie Rankin, Heather Turbeville, and John Cazola
The Conference Committee is charged with ensuring a well-balanced, high quality, the program is organized and presented at the annual conference. Identifies a conference theme, selects speakers, and assists with scheduling all conference activities with help from the contracted management company.
Co-Chairs: Thomas Schenk and Lindsay Arvizu
Members: Ryan Ambs, Brianna Burke, Rob Bennett, Ryan Chinoski , Claudia Schulz, and Tom Dalton
Learning & Resource
ATSI offers ongoing professional development, designed with member needs in mind. The Education Committee is charged with identifying speakers, content and delivery mechanisms for ongoing professional development.
Chair: Bob Schuerman
Board Liaison: Ryan Chinoski
Members: Kelly Davis, Aundrea Mitchell, Stacy Polinsky, Cait Keenan, Dawn Van Buskirk , Cori Bartlett, Barbara Ireland, Alizabeth Shooster, David Hernandez, Tiffany Vinson, Steve Newell, Shaun Grubert, Ann Linker, Erin Henderson, Tandy Hicks, Lucie Rankin, Claudia Schulz, Alec Thompson, Justin Massey, Heather Turbeville, and John Cazola
Young Professionals Network
Co-Chairs: Brianna Burke and David Hernandez
Member: Lindsay Arvizu
Government Relations
The Government Relations Committee is charged with keeping ATSI members aware of any legislative issues coming from Congress that might impact the TAS industry. The Committee is tasked with being aware of any actions at the FCC that might impact the industry; advising and guiding members about legislative issues and working closely with the ATSI Lobbyist.
Chair: Tifani Leal
Members: Dave Wenhold, Dennis O'Hara, Rob Ward, Don Quarterman, Robert Schuerman, Shaun Grubert, Alec Thompson, Brian Lett, and Erin Henderson
To promote ATSI to potential members and to promote the profession to external audiences. Responsible for the oversight of the ATSI renewal, retention, and recruitment campaigns; with the goal of consistently increasing ATSI membership. It also considers additional member benefits for recommendation to the Board of Directors for consideration. Contact members, when needed, to gather information and to encourage renewals.
Chair: Jeff Zindel II
Members: Brianna Burke, Thomas Schenk, Lindsay Arvizu, Rob Ward, Todd Cardin, Deborah Anders, and Claudia Schulz
ATSI Southeast Region
Build strong networking opportunities and support the Southeast Region focusing on ways to expand upon their member benefits.
Chairs: Tifani Leal and Dawn Cook
Members: Lauren Garza, Don Quarterman, Randy Ripkey
The finance committee is charged with ensuring that ATSI remains a financially healthy organization with continued growth in fiscal strength and stability.
Chair: Ryan Ambs
Members: Brianna Burke, Pat Dye, Colin Mead, Andrea Godsave
Provide review and oversight of the Awards of Excellence and Award of Distinction Programs.
Chair: Kelly Davis
Members: Lindsay Arvizu, Rob Bennett, Tom Dalton, Deborah Anders, Ann Linker, and Claudia Schulz
Website Taskforce
The Website Task Force is charged with reviewing website content, drafting new items, and identifying areas for updating.
Chair: Kelly Davis
Members: Moises Hasburn, Allan Fromm, Bobby Bennett, Eric Hamilton
Benchmarking Taskforce
The benchmarking task force is charged to determine the appropriate industry metrics and definitions of common terms for the TAS industry.
Members: Kelly Davis, Aundrea Mitchell, Dennis O'Hara, Cori Bartlett, Ray Shaw, Eric Hamilton, Tom Dalton, Ingo Varela, John Cazola, and Eric Crouse
SBA Taskforce
Members: Kelly Davis, Rob Bennett, Colin Mead, and Pat Dye
Policies & Procedures Taskforce
Members: Ryan Ambs, Brianna Burke, Thomas Schenk, and Pat Dye
Website Taskforce
Members: Kelly Davis, Brianna Burke, and Chelsea Lazo
If you or a representative from your business is interested in joining an ATSI committee, contact us today!